Revival unaware? / Ingen väckelse utan bön

och ingen väckelse utan tårar...

No Such thing. Some tend to believe that revival hits a church, or a city, or even a nation totally by surprise. Yes it can be construed as a breakthrough, but unaware? Only to outsiders!

The way it happens, the details and some particulars of each and every revival might come as a surprise, but there is no such a thing as a revival that was totally unexpected. If anybody dare say that some revival in history just happened when nobody at all was expecting it, then they will have to say also that those who were praying for a move of God did not believe that God would really answer their prayers.

Nobody in their sound mind would expect a harvest without first having sowed.

Randy Clark was used of God to spark a move of God in Toronto; however long before that night the church was praying, they had been praying, seeking God s face, tilling the ground and sowing and many tears of hunger and desperation watered the planting until at the right time God sent His vessel.

In 1904 a revival that some consider to have been the greatest ever hit Wales. Evan Roberts was the instrument God used to spark it. There was a great harvest of souls, in the line of 100,000 souls or about. But this was not unexpected. The intensity of what happened still marvels us, but nobody can say it was unexpected for there were many places that I would call pockets of prayer where Christians were crying out for God to move in their nation. Evan Roberts was one of them who actually prayed for 100,000 souls! And God answered.

Back to the book of Acts the disciples did not have in mind any past revival to learn from. Everything was new to them. They did not know exactly what was going to happen. They did not know what, or when, or how it was going to happen, but they were together; they were praying; they were waiting. They were surely surprised; they must have been actually because of all the wonderful things that happened when the Holy Spirit came. Surprised, yes. Unaware? No sir, they were prepared.

Waiting to God. Yessir, that's it.

They were not about their business; they did not go home to wait while comfortably sleeping in their own beds. They were not about planning strategies or programs; they were not even about revival!

They were waiting to God.

In the fifties Tommy Hick, an American evangelist was used by God to spark a revival in Argentina. Unexpected? For many people, yes it was unexpected, but for the students at the Bible College that had suspended their classes and were spending their time in prayer 24 hours a day, no sir for them it was not unexpected. One of those students was found one day facing a wall standing in a puddle of his own tears as he prayed for the nation.

Revival unaware? No such thing.

We should not expect any Randy Clark, or Evan Roberts, or Carlos Anacondia, or any other anointed servant to come and start a harvest where we have not bothered to sow.

Tue, 8 Jun 2004

Conrad Lampan
Center for Revival Studies
Wales - Argentina - USA

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